October begins the time of year when leaves change color, insects retreat, and warm air cools. The Navajo people call this time, “aak’ei,” which is fall or autumn. Fall is represented by the Navajo word for “October,” Gháájí, that translates into “half” or “back to back,” which signifies the meeting of the summer and winter seasons. The Navajo people recognize this “separation of the seasons” when the harvests have been reaped for sharing and preparations are made for the approaching winter season. Many community celebrations take place to replicate the past times of exchange of goods from across the reservation. The atmosphere is filled with appreciation for the harvests and seeds for next year’s crops, as well as the end of a successful growth cycle for plant and animal life. It is a time for the natural world to rest and recover for the upcoming year, as we embark on November, “Níłch’i ts’ósí.” Mother Earth’s preparation for next year signifies the beginning of the Navajo New Year. Happy Navajo New Year to you and yours as we give thanks for you and your contributions to the ecosystems of your world!
In the Navajo spirit of remembrance and thanksgiving, the DDC Marketing Department is pleased to release the Fall 2019 issue of the Dream Catcher, the DDC newsletter. We hope that you will find the newsletter to be an engaging view of our companies’ exciting accomplishments, news, and events throughout the past quarter. We also welcome feedback as we continually improve our publication.
We wish you a safe and happy holiday!